Our school offers a variety of courses ranging from Languages to certification in Mechanical Engineering. Every course is carefully put together to deliver the best education to the students. Our courses are taught by well qualified and experienced professionals.
Our Japanese Language courses are taught by a qualified panel of lecturers. JLPT N5 & JLPT N4 courses are taught in our language classes.
Culinary and HospitalityManagement classes are conducted by an experienced professionals who has years of experience in the field.
Mechanics are in demand in the country and our Mechanical course is the stepping stone to a job with high salary. In this course a student can get a hands on experience in mechanics with practical sessions
We have over 50 Success stories and following is a one of many Success stories.
I have completed the Japanese language course JLPT N5 certification recognized by Japan
Completion of JLPT N5 opened me to job and Learning opportunities in japan.
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